[記事] Wikipedia が専門家と協力して記事を拡充

ハワード大学が "Black History" に関するWikipediaの記事を充実させている。NYTによると:

Students and faculty members at Howard University, one of the nation’s pre-eminent historically black higher education institutions, set out Thursday to fill in the gaps. With Black History Month upon them, they camped out at a Howard research center that houses one of the world’s largest repositories of Africana and African diaspora information and, over coffee and pizza, worked to add some tint to Wikipedia’s white.
“The stereotype of a Wikipedia editor is a 30-year-old white man, and so most of the articles written are about stuff that interests 30-year-old white men,” said James Hare, president of Wikimedia D.C., the local branch of the foundation that runs Wikipedia. “So a lot of black history is left out.”
"Black history" に関する項目の拡充は一例に過ぎず、"30-year-old white men" からすると "a marginalized community (ibid.)" である記事について、専門家と協力して記事を増やしている。

VOAも Wikipedia の記事拡充に触れている:

Students at the medical school of the University of California, San Francisco are taking a class that teaches them how to write and edit for the WikiProject Medicine part of Wikipedia. Dr. Amin Azzam, a health sciences associate clinical professor, leads the course.

Dr. Azzam asks his students to read Wikipedia, identify missing information and update pieces on the site. He says the students need to do this from their own medical knowledge and from dependable medical sources.

たしかに Wikipedia 上の情報は「~について」の情報 (もしくは「~について」の情報「について」の情報) であるが:

Still, some of those professors, like Joshua Myers, acknowledge that Wikipedia has become an almost inevitable research tool for undergraduate students. He said he had come on Thursday to help make it a good starting point, at least, for more in-depth research.
であり、まさにこれは Wikipedia の基本的なスタンスである (Wikipedia:独自研究は載せない) 。Wikipedia は、Wikipedia の基本方針に則り、より質を高める努力をしている。

追記: Wikipedia (日本語版) が「専門家」をどのように捉えているか、引用する:



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